Thursday, January 12, 2012

Issue 1: 1540 Compass Journal

Welcome to the 1540 Compass

The 1540 Compass is a journal of views, comments, and ideas for effective implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 to prevent WMD proliferation and terrorism by non-state actors. Published by the Center for International Trade & Security at the University of Georgia, in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs.

In this issue:

Title page
Editor's Note
Notes of Welcome
Strategy for the committee
Reflecting on UNSCR 1977
1540 in Africa
1540 in CARICOM states
2012 Nuclear Security Summit
CSOs and NGOs
Industry Perspective
Strategic Trade Controls

Challenges and Solutions for 1540 Implementation in the African Region
- Amelia Broodryk and Noël Stott


UN Security Council resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540) was adopted in April 2004 to strengthen the international nonproliferation architecture and to address the possibility of non-state actors’ accessing weapons of mass destruction (WMD), their components, or their delivery systems. Although UNSCR 1540 initially met with some resistance from the developing world, many African states have subsequently expressed their support for the resolution. Enacted in April 2011, UNSCR 1977 extended UNSCR 1540’s mandate for ten years—signaling the resolution’s continued relevance in combating WMD-related security threats.

Although states have made significant progress toward implementing UNSCR 1540, the resolution’s ambitious requirements continue to challenge some states, especially those in Africa. Unofficial estimates indicate that the resolution contains 113 specific prohibitions, 152 controlled activities, and at least 8 recommended activities. States often find themselves overwhelmed by these obligations and, in light of the expected expansion of nuclear power and nuclear-related technology, meeting these obligations will only become more demanding in the future.

We consider the relevance of UNSCR 1540 for Africa by briefly discussing implementation of the resolution on the continent and highlighting the needs of some African countries for collaboration and assistance as they attempt to comply with its provisions. We also consider the role that regional and subregional bodies can play in implementing UNSCR 1540 on the continent and offer some recommendations for stakeholders working in the fields of WMD disarmament and nonproliferation.

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